BRAND / WHITE LabEL @ zero cost
Branding (White Labeling) by Swastik Algo is a concept to promote Sub-Brokers, Multi Account Handlers & AFL/Strategy Developers & want to obtain more & more clients with their own identity/brand. in this concept Brand Partner will get these COMMON features with own identity :-
Refund Policy (भुगतान वापसी की नीति)Users are responsible to verify all services in trial period, get satisfy then pay for future services This website strictly follows no refund policy in any circumstances .... उपयोगकर्ता परीक्षण अवधि में सभी सेवाओं को सत्यापित करने, संतुष्ट होने और फिर भविष्य की सेवाओं के लिए भुगतान करने के लिए जिम्मेदार हैं यह वेबसाइट किसी भी परिस्थिति में नो रिफंड नीति का सख्ती से पालन करती है....
Disclaimer (अस्वीकरण)We NEVER PROVIDE/SUGGEST any Stock/Trading Calls/Recommendations or Tips. Payment Gateway will never be used for Trading Calls & Tips. Trading Machine & Swastik Algo provide Technology only, both firms are not involved in any type of advisory or guranteed return services, it is solemnly Technology Provider only. Trading Machine ( is property of Swastik AlgoTech only. users have right to use automation services on subscription basis only. User(s) have no right to claim its source code or any type of data from both websites ( & All rights reserved with SWASTIK ALGOTECH (GSTIN : 27ABZPY4354k1ZI) हम कभी भी कोई स्टॉक/ट्रेडिंग कॉल/सिफारिशें या टिप्स प्रदान/सुझाव नहीं देते हैं। पेमेंट गेटवे का उपयोग ट्रेडिंग कॉल और टिप्स के लिए कभी नहीं किया जाएगा। ट्रेडिंग मशीन और स्वास्तिक एल्गो केवल प्रौद्योगिकी प्रदान करते हैं, दोनों कंपनियां किसी भी प्रकार की सलाहकार या गारंटीकृत रिटर्न सेवाओं में शामिल नहीं हैं, यह केवल प्रौद्योगिकी प्रदाता है। ट्रेडिंग मशीन ( केवल स्वास्तिक एल्गोटेक की संपत्ति है। उपयोगकर्ताओं को केवल सदस्यता के आधार पर स्वचालन सेवाओं का उपयोग करने का अधिकार है। उपयोगकर्ता(ओं) को दोनों वेबसाइटों ( और से इसके स्रोत कोड या किसी भी प्रकार के डेटा पर दावा करने का कोई अधिकार नहीं है। सर्वाधिकार स्वास्तिक एल्गोटेक के पास सुरक्षित (GSTIN : 27ABZPY4354k1ZI)
Business ModelSoftware (Desktop, Android, iOS) Server. Website Developer & Designer.
Terms & Conditions (नियम एवं शर्तें)Trading Machine & Swastik Algo provide Technology only, both firms are not involved in any type of advisory or guaranteed return services, it is solemnly Technology Provider only. Trading Machine is Depend on Brokers APIs & their reliability. if broker APIs got failed in response, then trading machine cant do anything. Trading Machine ( is property of Swastik AlgoTech only. users have right to use automation services on subscription basis only. User(s) have no right to claim its source code or any type of data from both websites ( & All rights reserved with SWASTIK ALGOTECH (GSTIN : 27ABZPY4354k1ZI) ट्रेडिंग मशीन और स्वास्तिक एल्गो केवल प्रौद्योगिकी प्रदान करते हैं, दोनों कंपनियां किसी भी प्रकार की सलाहकार या गारंटीकृत रिटर्न सेवाओं में शामिल नहीं हैं, यह केवल प्रौद्योगिकी प्रदाता है। ट्रेडिंग मशीन ब्रोकर्स API और उनकी reliability पर निर्भर है। यदि ब्रोकर API प्रतिक्रिया में विफल हो जाता है, तो ट्रेडिंग मशीन का Server कुछ नहीं कर सकता. ट्रेडिंग मशीन ( केवल स्वास्तिक एल्गोटेक की संपत्ति है। उपयोगकर्ताओं को केवल सदस्यता के आधार पर स्वचालन सेवाओं का उपयोग करने का अधिकार है। उपयोगकर्ता(ओं) को दोनों वेबसाइटों ( और से इसके स्रोत कोड या किसी भी प्रकार के डेटा पर दावा करने का कोई अधिकार नहीं है। सर्वाधिकार स्वास्तिक एल्गोटेक के पास सुरक्षित (GSTIN : 27ABZPY4354k1ZI)
Privacy Policy - (गोपनीयता नीति)Privacy of users data is most important to us. We never share users data to anyone(Scammers, Marketers, Trading Services/Tips Providers... etc) in any conditions. उपयोगकर्ताओं के डेटा की गोपनीयता हमारे लिए सबसे महत्वपूर्ण है। हम किसी भी स्थिति में उपयोगकर्ताओं का डेटा किसी (स्कैमर्स, मार्केटर्स, ट्रेडिंग सर्विसेज/टिप्स प्रोवाइडर्स... आदि) के साथ साझा नहीं करते हैं।
Common Features1. Domain ( - based on availability 2. Login/Landing page :- Logo Contact Number & Email Demat Referral Links 3. Social Sites (FaceBook, Instagram, Youtube, Whatsapp) Links 4. Welcome E Mail with Logo, Email & Contact when verifying profile 5. Logo in Dashboard 6. Desktop App with Name 7. Desktop App 8. Amibroker Library
Optional Package1. Premium Static Website on WIX (Like - - (15K) - Yearly Hosting- 5K - Order Syntax Page - with WIX Website 2. SEO / 1 Year - 10K
Admin PowerFull Admin Rights:- 1. Email ID Change for routine Mails. 2. Management of Profile & Accounts (Activate Profile, Extend Validity, Trial Activation) . 3. Import of own clients (referred by Self - for Zero/Less Charges). 4. System Order Log. 5. Enable / Disable Referral. 6. Affiliate Payout. 7. Strategy Deployer Payout. Admin Rights (White Label/Branding):- 1. View all accts on their server. 2. Extend Validity. 3. Trial Activation.
Common Features1. Domain ( - based on availability 2. Login/Landing page :- Logo Contact Number & Email Demat Referral Links 3. Social Sites (FaceBook, Instagram, Youtube, Whatsapp) Links 4. Welcome E Mail with Logo, Email & Contact when verifying profile 5. Logo in Dashboard 6. Desktop App with Name 7. Desktop App 8. Amibroker Library
Admin Power1. Email ID Change for routine Mails. 2. Management of Profile & Accounts (Activate Profile, Extend Validity, Trial Activation) . 3. Import of own clients (referred by Self - for Zero/Less Charges). 4. System Order Log. 5. Copy Trade Approval & Copy Trading active Users Info. 6. Enable / Disable Referral. 7. Affiliate Payout. 8. Strategy Deployer Payout.
Forex (MT-4 & 5)URL : - Pass Command to JSON FORMAT : Command : BUY {"Apikey":"NOYM5GUM9P4JSFD6","command":"FOREX_PLACE_ORDER,CLIENT_ID,BUY,AUDUSD,QUANTITY,0,0,0,Group Name,"} Command : SELL {"Apikey":"NOYM5GUM9P4JSFD6","command":"FOREX_PLACE_ORDER,CLIENT_ID,SELL,AUDUSD,QUANTITY,0,0,0,Group Name,"} Command : BUYLIMIT {"Apikey":"NOYM5GUM9P4JSFD6","command":"FOREX_PLACE_ORDER,CLIENT_ID,BUYLIMIT,AUDUSD,QUANTITY,Price,Stop_Loss,Take_Profit,Group Name,"} Command : SELLLIMIT {"Apikey":"NOYM5GUM9P4JSFD6","command":"FOREX_PLACE_ORDER,CLIENT_ID,SELLLIMIT,AUDUSD,QUANTITY,Price,Stop_Loss,Take_Profit,Group Name,"} Command : BUYSTOP {"Apikey":"NOYM5GUM9P4JSFD6","command":"FOREX_PLACE_ORDER,CLIENT_ID,BUYSTOP,AUDUSD,QUANTITY,Price,Stop_Loss,0,Group Name,"} Command : SELLSTOP {"Apikey":"NOYM5GUM9P4JSFD6","command":"FOREX_PLACE_ORDER,CLIENT_ID,SELLSTOP,AUDUSD,QUANTITY,Price,Stop_Loss,0,Group Name,"} Command : SQUARE OFF {"Apikey":"NOYM5GUM9P4JSFD6","command":"FOREX_SQUARE_OFF_POSITION,CLIENT_ID,BUY/SELL,AUDUSD,QUANTITY,0,0,0,Group Name,"}
Indian Stock Market pass json as parameter as post method ************************************************************************************************************************************************************* MIS MARKET ORDER {"Apikey":"NOYM5GUM9P4JSFD6","command":"PLACE_ORDER,CLIENT-ID,0,REGULAR,EXCHANGE,SYMBOL,TXN,MARKET,INTRADAY,QUANTITY,0,0,0,0,0,0,DAY,FALSE,0,-1, GroupName,0(MasterCode),"} MIS LIMIT ORDER {"Apikey":"NOYM5GUM9P4JSFD6","command":"PLACE_ORDER,CLIENT-ID,0,REGULAR,EXCHANGE,SYMBOL,TXN,"LIMIT",INTRADAY,QUANTITY,LIMITPRICE,0,0,0,0,0,DAY,FALSE,0,-1,GroupName,0(MasterCode),"} SQUARE OFF : MIS ORDER {"Apikey":"NOYM5GUM9P4JSFD6","command":"SQUARE_OFF_POSITION,AB0XXXXX,DAY,MIS,NSE,SBIN,GroupName,0(MasterCode),"} ************************************************************************************************************************************************************* BRACKET ORDER {"Apikey":"NOYM5GUM9P4JSFD6","command":"PLACE_ORDER,AB0XXXXX,0,BO,NSE,SBIN,TXN,LIMIT,INTRADAY,QUANTITY,TXN-PRICE,0,TARGET,SL,0,0,DAY,FALSE,0,-1,GroupName,0(MasterCode),"} SQUARE OFF : BRACKET ORDER {"Apikey":"NOYM5GUM9P4JSFD6","command":"SQUARE_OFF_POSITION,AB0XXXXX,DAY,BO,NSE,SBIN,GroupName,0(MasterCode),"} ************************************************************************************************************************************************************* COVER ORDER {"Apikey":"7EPW3NTYRTJVI","command":"PLACE_ORDER,AB0XXXXX,825088-102,CO,NSE,SBIN,TXN,LIMIT,INTRADAY,QUANTITY,TXN-PRICE,SL-PRICE,0.00000,0.00000,0.00000,0,DAY,false,1602756736,-1,GroupName,0(MasterCode),"} SQUARE OFF : COVER ORDER {"Apikey":"NOYM5GUM9P4JSFD6","command":"SQUARE_OFF_POSITION,AB0XXXXX,DAY,CO,NSE,SBIN,GroupName,0(MasterCode),"} *************************************************************************************************************************************************************
For Referral / Affiliates
Common Features
Features & System upgradation with main Server ( - YES
Extra Changes / Feature / Addition / Update in future – NO
Domain Renewal Charge from Next Year – Yes
Backend Data Base – Common
Mail Server – Common
Hosting Charge – NO
Payment Gateway – Trading Machine
Cost – 50K / One Time
Freebies from Initial Cost - Licenses & Validity - 60 Licenses/1 Year
Revenue Sharing - 50 : 50
Monthly Cost - NO
Admin Power Concept – NO
Annual Maintenance Charge – NO
Server Code - NO
Optional :-
Static Website (Like - - (10K)
Order Syntax Page - with Static Web
SEO / 1 Year - 10K
Collect desired payment & Handle / Manage Unlimited Accts with own BRAND
Common Features
Features & System upgradation with main Server ( - YES
Extra Changes / Feature / Addition / Update in future – NO
Domain Renewal Charge from Next Year – NO
Backend Data Base – Common
Mail Server – Common
Hosting Charge – NO
Payment Gateway – Yes
Initial Cost – 50K
Freebies from Initial Cost - 60 Days
Revenue Sharing - 50 : 50
Monthly Cost – 25K
Admin Power Concept – NO
Annual Maintenance Charge – NO
Server Code - NO
Optional :-
Static Website (Like - - (10K)
Order Syntax Page - with Static Web
SEO / 1 Year - 10K
(BRAND with ADMIN Power)
Common Features
Features & System upgradation with main Server ( - NO
Extra Changes / Feature / Addition / Update in future – Chargeable
Domain Renewal Charge from Next Year – Yes
Backend Data Base – Own
Mail Server – Own
Payment Gateway – Own
Cost – 60K (Month), 4L (1 Year)
Hosting with us
Monthly Maintenance – 5K
Lifetime Charge – 8L (with Publish Code*)
Independent Hosting
Monthly Maintenance – 10K
Admin Power Concept – Yes
Optional :-
Static Website (Like - - (10K)
Order Syntax Page - with Static Web
SEO / 1 Year - 10K
* we do Not Provide Source Code in any TnC
If partners have more concepts, can share with us to introduce that type of service
Database Engine & Processors of Trading Machine in backend of all Brand/White Label servers will play all role to process all commands & orders. So, Main Database & Email Server will not change in Branding/White Label.
Special Request :
1. Please work & understand all features, functionality & facilities available on main server before asking for White Lable/Brand, No any claim to be entertain about misunderstanding/un-awareness Later.
2. No refund policy will be strictly follow.
3. No Admin power will be available to partners on White Labeling.
4. Brand/White Label websites are sole property of Swastik Algo only. Partners have only rights to use it on correct way & understandings. No one can claim for Brand/White Label website server code, because partner has already get user Licenses against their deposit.